it changes us all.

while everyone's always worrying about their never ending problems/ why life has brought so much twist and turns? /why are we even alive?
i'm not any different. i mourn over everything, repeat over problems for hours or even days.
always have hard time accepting life. And i just read a blog, a very inspiring person. a person who made me realize what i have and how i'm wasting it. lilblueboo is where she resides and share her personal/business space. Thought i just came across a random blog till i started reading about what she goes through and how she copes with everything. many of us including myself have only looked on the negative of what life brings to us. while so many people out there are fighting for their life.
life teaches us all a lesson. its up to us whether we learn or give up.
i hope to forgive, forget, understand and accept everything that happens.



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